With that being said, the whole process of getting here was just that... Turbulent.
Let's start with packing. I wish I was sitting here outlying the perfect way to pack; finding a perfect balance of bringing the "right" things but still managing to pack in a small enough backpack that you don't topple over. Unfortunately when you wait until the last minute to shop and pack, this process becomes stress inducing and there is no "right" thing to bring. Packing for a trip like this brings out the truest bit of your personality. I learned a lot about myself just in the way I packed for this trip. For me personally, I have a huge need to be prepared so I packed everything from a toothbrush and toothpaste to wrinkle release spray. You may laugh but with no dryer, my clothes will still be looking good! I am the type of person who feels a sense of calm when being prepared so I made the choice to pack more to feel secure in the things I'm bringing. My travel partner Jaz is the complete opposite.
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Our Bag Comparrison |
Try and think about what you would pack for two months... Would you rather go with everything you need or as little as possible and buy as you go? I think it's a great personality question to ask people!
So of course I turned into a stress ball and stayed that way until we got on the plane. We arrived at LAX and needed food, so of course Umami burger was the absolute greatest option! Let's just say it was a really good idea with poor execution. We had 20 mins to be at the gate and after 25 min I finally asked what the hold up was and they had completely forgotten my order... Lovely! So I sent Jaz to hold the plane (literally) while I waited, then after I got my order proceeded to RUN through LAX. Don't worry Coach Linn, still got my killer form.
Another bout of turbulence hit when I couldn't convince anyone to switch seats with Jaz and I so we could sit together. So I tweeted out how unhappy I was that the old lady next to me wouldn't switch. Turns out that that lady was the sweetest thing to ever happen to that flight. I am totally guilty of judging a book by it's cover but I could not have been happier to spend 10 hours next to this wonderful woman. The flight was full of chatting about life, plenty of sleep and I even still had time to watch a movie. ( I highly recommend Into the Woods!) Everything was smooth sailing until the actual turbulence began!
HOLY SICKNESS. When three people in my section are using their vomit bags and I am on the verge of joining, you know it's bad. It wasn't the kind of turbulence that you worry over your life but instead the type that drops your stomach and churns anything inside it. It was miserable and I felt terrible from the point it started for the next couple hours.
Jaz and I made it through customs (woo!), into the tube easily (double woo!) and to the hostel all in the morning to start our journey. We met up with Carly and Anne and started the sightseeing while waiting for Tara and Jess to get here. Good news parents: we are all here, in one piece, and having way too much fun already! I will write all about our trip soon but it's adventure time!
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