Monday, June 29, 2015

The Blog is Back!

The blog is back and I am ready for my next European Adventure!!

I haven't been on the blog since I left Europe two years ago. I offer it as reference to people traveling to the places I mentioned but other than that, I have kind of forgotten it is here.  With that being said, I had a couple posts from two summers ago that were drafted but never posted, so this morning I pulled the trigger and posted the last couple.  Of course there are some that are half finished that will never see the light of day because my memory doesn't take me back to those minuscule details so the posts will remain as drafts.

For the next two months, I will be taking Europe...again! However this time I am brining along 3 adventurous friends and we are backpacking across the continent. Tune in for stories of our travels, exciting pictures and recommendations of every place we encounter along the way. Hopefully, I can entice each of the group to do a guest blog post so you don't get board of just one voice! I can't wait to share with you all, cheers to many more adventures!

Here is the Europe group, I don't think you will see us this cleaned up for the next two months! 
Last night I reached out to my Facebook friends to hopefully gain some insight and recommendation on the places we are traveling, I was completely blown away by the response. Not only did people share their recommendations on the post but they began messaging me and sending me emails filled with their own experiences.  I am so thankful for all their advice and I cannot wait to see the best of all these cities.  I truly believe recommendations are the way to go when traveling, especially as a jumping off point to create my own adventures.  So thank you to everyone who contributed, you are making our trip so much better!

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